Training Camp
2014 Beijing Marathon Official Training Camp Opened Today
date:2014-07-03 source: hits:

2014 Beijing Marathon Official Training Camp Opened Today

On 17th May, the first session of 2014 Beijing Marathon Official Training Camp was successfully held in Beijing Olympic Forest Park. More than 150 elite runners participated in the event and completed a 20KM training session with the support from Mr.TianYuqiao (the head coach of Beijing Marathon Training Camp) and five assistants.

Mr. Gao Shan from Beijing Marathon Committee attended the opening ceremony and gave a speech before training. Mr. Gao said, 2014 Beijing Marathon Training Camp is first time ever that Beijing Marathon Committee has its own official training camp. The training camp this year consists of 5 different training sessions, which will cover runners from different levels. The aim of the event is to encourage more people to join Beijing Marathon, and encourage the runners of the race to reach better result in this year.

During the training session, the coach team taught the runners lots of skills and tips for the marathon race. Due to their running levels, the runners finished the training session in 5 different groups, with 5 assistants leading each group.

The committee provided the runners with free Shudayuan soda water and Gatorade during the training. Meanwhile, the staff from Metrx China also supported the event with 200 free energy bars for the runners. At the end of the event, gifts from Beijing Hyundai, Adidas and Shudayuan were also distributed to the lucky runners. In addition, 5 runners were able to get free 2014 Beijing Marathon quota by participating the raffle during the event.     






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Host: Chinese Athletic Association, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Sports      Supporter: China Central Television(CCTV)

Organized by: China Olympic Road Running Co.,Ltd.(CORR), Beijing Sports Competitions Administration Center

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