Run for charity
2016 Beijing Hyundai Beijing Marathon CFLD Run for Charity

  Final Ranking of Charity Institutes in 2016 Beijing Hyundai Beijing Marathon CFLD Run for Charity

What is “Run for Charity” event?

2016 Beijing Hyundai Beijing Marathon CFLD “Run for Charity” event, initiate the model of all the entrants running for charity. Through our race, 30000 participants will be given charity responsibility, with the aim of transferring charity spirit and pushing charity development through everyone-involved charity model.

Beijing Marathon Organizing Committee together with GFLD will donate 1 million Yuan to 15 charity organizations.

Combining charity on-line voting activity with the average result of each charity the entrants support will result the final ranking, through which, entrants fight for more charity fund for supported charity organization.

Post-race Notice and Donation

Two weeks after the race, the OC will announce 15 charity organizations rank and donation money


About Charity Program Sponsor

GFLD carry out corporate social responsibility and transfer enterprise positive energy. As one of the top 1000 global quoted company, in recent years, GFLD has always been exploring ways to support charity development. 

As the title sponsor for Beijing Marathon “Run for Charity” event, GFLD will combine marathon spirit and charity undertaking, let running be more meaningful, transfer love in a widespread range.

About public service cooperation organization

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Host: Chinese Athletic Association, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Sports      Supporter: China Central Television(CCTV)

Organized by: China Olympic Road Running Co.,Ltd.(CORR), Beijing Sports Competitions Administration Center

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