Rules & Regulations of 2016 Beijing Hyundai Beijing Marathon
KFC Family Run
1、Course Route and time
(1) Time: 7:30am, September 17, 2016
(2) Starting point:TIANCHEN West Rd. (Northwest corner of the Water Cube)
(3) Finishing point: Beijing Marathon finish point (Celebration Square of Central Area of the Olympic Park)
Family Run (Distance: approximately 2km)
Children aged between 3 – 13 years old (born between September 17, 2003 to September 17, 2013) are eligible to run. Each child should register and run the race with at least one of their parents or legal guardians (born before September 17, 1988).
4、Registration Method
(1) Registration Time: 10:00am August 11th - 10:00am August 17th,2016
(2) Registration Method
Prospect runners should register at the official Beijing Marathon Website. Each participating family can register up to 4 persons, maximum 2 adults are allowed to register. Runners should follow instructions that are available from the official Beijing Marathon Website and use valid ID cards or passports to register.
(3) Registration Information
500 RMB Per family. Registrations are guaranteed when registration fee is paid. After the registration deadline, all runners will be provided with a unique running number and a list for collecting the running gear.
Details of when the running numbers are going to be released will be provided as soon as they are available.
(4) Registration Limit: 500 families
Organizing Committee reserves the right to accept the registration request according to the situation. Registration fee is not refundable if the registration has been completed successfully.
(5) Contact Information
Official website:
5、Family Run Method
(1) Group allocation
On event day, all participants should register according to the order of the group allocation. Start order: Group A, Group B, Group C, 10 meters between each group. Roller skating shoes、skating board、bicycle and baby carriage are strictly prohibited.
(2) Register, Starting time and close time
Register time: 6:20 am
Starting time: 7:30 am
Close time: 8:30 am (Those who are unable to complete the respective distance by the cutoff time shall stop racing and leave the course.)
6、Race gear pick up
Organizing Committee will provide running gear to all runners, please refer to the Beijing Marathon Official Website for more details (information will be provided when available)
Race gear pick up: September 14 – 15 ( 9:30 – 17:30). September 16( 9:30 – 20:30).
Pick up Location: Beijing Marathon Expo ( China National Convention Center, Exhibit Hall 5)
7、Award Method
Runners will not be ranked, however, all family members have to hold hands with each other when passing the finish line. Families that successfully completed the race will be provided a Beijing Marathon Family Run medal and a souvenir bag.
8、 Insurance
Organizing Committee will provide insurance to all runners and staff
Further notices will be announced for mentioned matters. The Beijing Marathon Organizing Committee reserves the right to interpret the regulation .
Beijing Marathon Organizing Committee
Host: Chinese Athletic Association, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Sports Supporter: China Central Television(CCTV)
Organized by: China Olympic Road Running Co.,Ltd.(CORR), Beijing Sports Competitions Administration Center
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