Entrants Guide
Registration Notice for 2015 Beijing Marathon Team Event
date:2015-07-08 source: hits:

一、Race Information

1、Race Date: September 20, 2015

2、Start Time: 7:30 a.m.


4、Team: 5 -7 runners (Each team is required to include at least 1 female runner)

5、Entrants:300 Teams

6、Registration Fee:Chinese:RMB 200 / person

    Foreign Nationality: USD 100 / person



Individual registration

Team formation

All registrations will be successful if registrations are below 300 teams; A draw will be carried out if registrations are over 300 teams;

If a draw is carried out, members of the teams not selected are still eligible for individual draw;

2、Registration Period:10 a.m. of July 10 to 10 a.m. of July 20

3、How to Register:Beijing Marathon Official Website or Beijing Marathon Official App (available from Apple Store or Android Store)

4、Team Formation:

Team formation is available only after all team members have successfully registered and paid the registration fee, more details please refer to the Beijing Marathon Official Website;

Team numbers: 5 -7 runners (Each team is required to include at least 1 female runner);

Runners are only able to create or join one team;

Group members are not changeable once the team formation has been completed;

Team names are only valid upon the confirmation from the Organizing Committee;

5、A draw is carried out if registrations are over 300 teams.


1、Members of the team who are not selected in the draw are still eligible for individual draw;

2、Each runner must provide authentic personal information when filling the application form and the Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse team registrations if runners provide misleading or false information intentionally;

3、 The Organizing Committee reserves the right to ask team to change names, failure to do so may result in unsuccessful applications



Phone:8610-67167482 (9:00-11:30 , 13:00-17:30)

It’s better to contact us through Email

Beijing Marathon Organizing Committee


Instructions on Team Ranking:

To have a valid team result for ranking, each team must have at least 5 runners (including 1 female runner) completing the race within 6 hours (net time) and at the same time pass all timing blanket. Team result is not valid if there is no female runners in the team;

Ranking: The 5 best-performed members will enter the ranking system; each runner will be given a percentage according to the performance of the runner, sex and age. With all percentages added up, the team with the minimum percentage will win.

Team X

Age Arange

Ranking (sex and age) /

Total finishers (Sex and age)


Male A




Male B




Male C




Male D




Male E

Result is not valid

Female F




Female G

Result is not valid

Percent in Total


*Age Range:Age ranges are set from 20 years old to 70 years old, every 5-year is one range. For example: 20 -24 years old, 25-29 years old…60-64 years old, 65-69 years old and over 70 years old


Host: Chinese Athletic Association, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Sports      Supporter: China Central Television(CCTV)

Organized by: China Olympic Road Running Co.,Ltd.(CORR), Beijing Sports Competitions Administration Center

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